Canadian Archipelago Throughflow Study

("Petermann Fjord, Northern-Greenland", "Summer 2003") up
Andreas Münchow, University of Delaware 18 Jan 2005

Dave, Roger, Helen, and Helga braving the winds in Hall Basin.

Roger, Dave, Helen, and Helga posing at the entrance to Petermann Fjord; the view is to the south-west.

Helen is almost blown away, the coast is the southern "wall" of Petermann Fjord.

The winds race down Petermann Glacier from the left (east) to the right.

Note the whipping antenna, Kap Pussy in the background to the left.

Kap Pussy flanked by two small outlet glaciers.

Now looking into Petermann Fjord, the glacier is far in the distance (east).

David Huntley on top of the bridge of the USCGC Healy.

Gravity balances the pressure gradient, fun to lean into the (katabatic) winds.

Helga Schaffrin of NYU keeping warm.

Kap Pussy with two small outlet glaciers from the Greenland ice sheet.

Dave and Helga.

A much more stable (and warmer) way to take pictures into the wind.

The southern walls of Petermann Fjord. The ice toung of the glacier comes into view in the distance.

The northern wall of Petermann Fjord with the ice tongue of the glacier in the distance.

Kap Pussy up close.

Peterman Glacier in the distance to the east.

One of the two "tiny" outlet glaciers emtying into Petermann Fjord.

The second of two "tiny" outlet glaciers spilling over the side walls into Petermann Fjord; Kap Pussy to the right.

Zooming into a small outlet glacier to the east of Kap Pussy; Glacier ice in the foreground.

Petermann Glacier meets Petermann Fjord, a tidewater glacier, one of 5 major outlets of the Greenland ice sheet.

Tidewater Petermann Glacier, a 5-m vertical wall of ice above the water.

The northern wall of Petermann Glacier, the Greenland ice sheets spills over the walls of the fjord.

Looking back along the southern wall of Petermann Fjord. Kap Lucie Marie in the distance to the south-west.

The foredeck of the USCGC Healy steaming towards the northern wall of Petermann Fjord along the floating tongue of Petermann Glacier.

Copyright © Andreas Muenchow, University of Delaware