!---------------------------------------- ! ! Dispersion of Shallow Water Waves with Rotation ! ! sigma^2 = [N(z)/(n*pi/(kD)]^2 + f^2 ! sigma/f = sqrt(1+a*k*k) ! ! where ! a(n) = [N*D/f)/pi / n]^2 ! ! N(z) stability frequency, s^-1 ! n vertical mode number, n/a ! k wave number, m^-1 ! D water depth, m ! f Coriolis parameter, s^-1 ! ! Supplement to page-86 of lecture notes for MAST-693 (CIEG-693) ! ! Andreas Muenchow, University of Delaware ! May-2, 2018 ! real k,sig(3),a(3),pi,pi2 integer ik open (unit=8,file='Disp.dat') ! a(1) = 1. a(2) = a(1)/4. a(3) = a(1)/9. ! ! Wave frequency sig is scaled by the Coriolis parameter ! Wave number is scaled by interal Rossby radius pi/(N*D/f) ! do 1 ik=1,200 k = float(ik-101)*0.01 do 2 j=1,3 sig(j) = sqrt(1+a(j)*k**2) 2 continue write(8,*)k,(sig(j),j=1,3) 1 continue close (8) stop end