c c WaveSol.f provides solutions to the Deep Water c surface gravity wave problem with c initial conditions as derived on c page 32-38 of class notes c c Andreas Muenchow, University of Delaware c March-14, 2018 c integer ix,it,nx,nt real*8 g,A,x,t,arg,eta,dx,dt,eta0 c pi = 4.*atan2(1.,1.) g = 9.81 A = sqrt(pi*g)/2./pi dx = 0.2 dt = 0.05 nx = 300 nt = 300 c c Recall solution is valid only c far from generation location x=0 and time t=0 c do 1 it=1,nt do 2 ix=1,nx x = 20.+ix*dx t = 20.+it*dt arg = (g*t*t/4./x)+pi/4. c Wave eta = A * t/(x*sqrt(x)) * dcos(arg) c Evenlope eta0 = A * t/(x*sqrt(x)) c Data file write(16,101)x,t,eta,ix,it,eta0,-eta0 c 2 continue 1 continue 101 format(2f10.3,f10.5,2i4,2f10.5) stop end