MAST-867 MODIS Remote Sensing
Andreas Muenchow, Spring 2010

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Iceland Class Project .pdf

1. Identify and list potentially useful images during the period March 10-24 (group-1), March 25 through April-6 (group-2), and April 7-20 (group-3).

2. Download, process, and post on the web at least 1 image for each week, that is 2 images for each group. The image shall be on a labeled latitude/longitude grid using your own processing.

3. Are there any differences between band-1 at 645nm and band-2 at 865 nm?

Please focus on an area within ~100-km of the eruption. The following questions shall guide your work:

Are there partly clear images available for this event? Can you detect features in imagery that document impacts on the oceans? Have these features changed prior and during the ongoing event? If so, how? How does the eruption impact the atmosphere at local scales in the imagery? We know what it does at the regional scales, i.e., closing European air traffic.

Group-1(Feili and Zhaoyun)

Group-2 (Weihan and Xiangbai) Group-3 (Claire and Patricia)

Last updated: Tue May 18 12:07:24 EDT 2010