MAST-811 2021 Time Series Analysis
Andreas Muenchow


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Meetings: TueThu 17:00-18:15 in 206 Robinson Hall

Instructor: Andreas Münchow

Goal: Provide each student with a set of tools to confidently handle data analysis tasks in both time (space) and frequency (wave number) domains.

Format: This is a traditional lecture style course, however, most learning will take place via a set of computer projects that translate lecture materials into tested code.


Expectations: Each student shall be able to develop, apply, and critically evaluate

Grading: 80% for problem-based projects, 10% homeworks, 10% individual in-class participation

Exam: None, but I may use occasional quizzes related to prior lectures (always open book).

Old News:

Last updated: Fri Dec 10 08:09:14 EST 2021